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Need Help With An Annulment

HomeAnnulment Area of LawNeed Help With An Annulment

Are you looking for an Annulment? Then, why not submit your case here and find an experienced annulment attorney. People are getting help easily here; look below for some example cases.

When I called Social Security they told me that they would only take $200.00 from me. When I got my check it was $300.00. I called to find out why I was told that we were over the limit. What is the limit for a married couple?Now they want to take my medical away from me.


I’m going for annulment, based on fraud. i have plenty of proof. i’m without a lawyer because i have no money. wet due in court next friday 6/26 i’m to a class sat am o how to represent myself  husbad is a narcissistic pathological liar. married 11/11/2013 not living together since 03/04 2014 filed 11/7/2014 he’s dragged feet s court was about to throw out can of time   i did have him served eventually. i want it annulled caz i would never had married him or dated him based on uncover truth s therefore he should try and win my love based on facts and the true alan. i spent a fortune being he lived off me ,11 months and promising that when his money is freed. he will pay back. he also borrowed from my poor family. . so if it when into divorce i will fight for every dime, but if annulled then i’ll count it as a loss. come to find out he’s didvthiscwiyh another lady 4, ,months before me. i have


Annulment. finished paper work all. not feeling  to represent my self. low income to afford a lawyer


I am still married to a guy that i haven’t lived with or had any relationship with in over four years.  i can’t afford a divorce lawyer.  what can i do?


I’m just trying to get an annulment my husband and i don’t have anything to fight for nor do we have children together at this time im look to seek a lawer but im low income im trying to find a lawer within my budget please. thank


I got married to a man who had told me he didn’t have kids. one of my conditions before marrying anyone. turns out he has a 17 year old daughter, who i found out about after the marriage. to top it off, he has also been cheating on me. i will try and pay the fees if i can, i am expecting a baby in november and think he lied so he should pay the attorney fees.


I need an annulment because my husband lied about his character and hid his bills he owes that he is in debt about $35,000,00+ and didn’t tell me now we have a car payment together which my parents have been paying the car payments. my husband is a correctional officer but also recently tried committing sucide. i am also 9 weeks pregnant.

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