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5 Tips To Help You Decide Lawyer Fee

HomeAffordable Traffic ticket Traffic Violations5 Tips To Help You Decide Lawyer Fee

You got a speeding ticket, and you need to appear in court to fight that ticket; you need an attorney for this, but how much should you?

Pay for it?

Some attorneys charge $1000 or more per hour, but you don’t need him to fight a $200 ticket. So what is the yardstick to measure how much to pay for a particular suit or a matter?

Read on to know what you should remember while agreeing to lawyer fees.

File Case

Various legal matters range from drafting a will to fighting an Intellectual Property Right (IPR) suit; thus, charges vary.

A will drafting might cost you $1000, whereas an IPR might cost millions.

A Speeding ticket might need an attorney that charges between $100-$200/hour.

Then there is the going rate in the area, meaning an unofficial rate charged by lawyers in a given area for a specific work.

Flat Fees or by-hour rate?

Attorneys dealing with a particular case might charge a flat rate covering all costs of the trial.

A good example can be uncontested divorce; the attorney charges a flat rate to get the marriage annulled by the court on behalf of both parties.

Cases like Intellectual Property might have lawyers that charge you hourly.

After winning the case, you receive a contingency fee charged for damages

Attorneys take a percentage of the money received as their fees.

Read more about the Contingency fee here.

In the case of contingency fees, you either pay for other costs such as the fee for case filing, case research, expert witness fees, and Sheriff’s office fee, or all fees are included in the final payment that the attorney receives after you win the case.

This fee charges in employment cases, class action suits, etc.

Costs Covered

Attorneys charge for their appearance in court, case filing, case research, hiring expert witnesses, investigation, and office overheads to cover a few expenses.

Billing by Attorney

In the case of a flat rate, you receive a single bill covering all the costs related to the topic.

Ask for the bill

In Case of hourly rate or contingency fees, insists on an itemized bill to know your charge and pay.

Ask Around

Once you have decided on an attorney, ask around to know the fee charges for similar cases in your local area.

It has two benefits, you know you are not overcharged, and second, there is a chance of you finding an expert attorney by asking around.

If you can’t find an affordable lawyer, do not worry; our website has a directory for lawyers who can help with your case.

You can fill in your case details here.


Important: The articles available on are neither legal advice nor a replacement for an attorney. The contents are general information and guidance concerning different legal issues. We make sure that these articles prove helpful to you, but we do not promise or guarantee that they are suitable for your condition. We also do not take responsibility for any loss that might cause to you using these articles. Hence, we strictly suggest you get expert legal advice. Consult or hire an attorney in case of any doubt.