Texas Bankruptcy laws left ample space for enhancing the level of protection and counseling petitioners with effective guidance.
Under Texas bankruptcy laws, there are various provisions for the protection of assets and settlement of debts.
The bankruptcy laws in Texas provide for the completion of credit counseling courses mandatorily.
The petitioner needs to submit a proof of having completed the course within the said time frame of 180 days.
Thereafter, a second course is required to be completed.
Bankruptcy process
- Individual debtors to undergo credit counseling within 6 months and complete financial management instruction course
- Analysis of incomes and expenses and determination of eligibility of Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 by comparing the median income of Texas.
- Gathering paperwork by itemizing sources of current income
- Filing for bankruptcy using Texas exemptions
- Submitting proposed repayment plan
- Meeting of creditors and plan confirmation