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California Bankruptcy Laws

HomeBankruptcy CaliforniaCalifornia Bankruptcy Laws

California bankruptcy laws allow you to select between two separate sets of exemptions filed under section 7 or 13.

In chapter 7, immunity protect your possession, while in chapter 13, it helps you decide how much you need to pay to unsecured creditors.

The benefit of chapter 7 bankruptcy law:-

  • After the release of bankruptcy it helps you start fresh
  • Wages earned by a person and property ownership are considered his after the filling of the case
  • Within 3-6 months, the case is fully set free

Plus and gains of chapter 13 bankruptcy law:-

  • If you can afford to repay the full payment, then all your properties are free from repaying.
  • You can file chapter 13 anytime you feel like
  • You can even divide your creditors as per their class and pay them diverse percentages.

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