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New Law: Ohio Guns in Trunk Law

HomeNews OhioNew Law: Ohio Guns in Trunk Law

December 19, 2016, witnessed the Guns in Trunk law signing of Senate Bill 199.

Governor John Kasich pursued it.

Under the new law, the employers in Ohio will soon no longer prohibit firearms from the company property.

Old Bill

Initially, the bill inculcated measures, which enhanced discrimination protections to concealed carry permit holders. So, it implied that those, which had a concealed carry license, were liable to the same protection as protected the other classes under the Ohio Civil Rights Act. However, they removed this aspect of the bill once the business-friendly organization negated the idea and rallied against them.

When will the law go into effect?

This new law will go into effect in mid-March 2017.

What are the attributes of this law?

    • It prevents employers from ceasing or banning hidden handgun license holders from storing firearms in their locked vehicles. It is even when the cars park on the property of the company.
    • However, this law does not impact employers’ ability to exclude firearms from their locality.
    • It depicts a notable departure from the law, which is currently being practice. The latter permits private employers to ban weapons from all company property. The ban is included in the parking lot, as well.
    • The bill, at the same time, expands the proper places.
    • It includes the places where the permit holders may carry a concealed firearm. These places include childcare centers, which do not portray any signs of prohibiting a concealed weapon.
    • It also includes colleges and universities, which have the permission of the boards of the trustees.

So, here was some relevant information with regards to the Ohio Guns in Trunk law.


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