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Florida Identity theft laws

HomeFlorida Identity TheftFlorida Identity theft laws

Stealing or unauthorized use of a person’s identity information for financial and even non-financial purposes can lead to the conviction of identity theft according to the laws in Florida.

Statutes of the state:

  • According to the law, any individual fraudulently using an individual’s personal identification information is said to be committing a third-degree felony act and punished under §775.082, §775.083, and §775.084.
  • Suppose any person fraudulently uses the identity information of a minor individual, i.e., a person under 18 years of age or still under parental or guardian care. In that case, the person who committed a crime can convict under the second-degree felony act.

Are you Facing any IDENtity theft?

Worried about…

  • Social security scammers?

  • Unauthorized transactions in your name?

  • Your data breach?

Don’t worry, Protect Your Privacy, protect your Identity.

Get an affordable Florida Identity Theft lawyer with no retainer and no hourly cost. Submit your details here

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