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Identity Theft Laws in Arizona: The Do And Dont

HomeIdentity TheftIdentity Theft Laws in Arizona: The Do And Dont

Over the last decade, Identity Theft Laws in Arizona have been on the rise in the state. Arizona has strict laws that protect individuals from identity theft.

Essentially, Identity theft refers to the act of obtaining the personal identifying information of an individual, such as the birth date and the social security number of the individual, and using this information to carry out financial transactions and other nefarious acts.

The first offender of Identity theft in Arizona charges as a Class 4 felony, with the crime punishable with both fines and jail time.

Basics of Identity Theft Laws in Arizona

Although the most common form of making money employs money, it is not for this reason alone. Sometimes, these individuals may obtain your credit card information or other personal information to create an open credit account or use the new identity to coerce someone into giving them money.

This information is often used to acquire a driver’s license, passports credentials concerning job or academics that the impersonator does not have. Moreover, they can be used to either start a new life or a country through illegal means, amongst others.

People give several reasons for engaging in this act; however, irrespective of each reason, Identity theft remains a specific criminal offense, which can charge as a different crime, such as fraud.

Under the identity theft laws of Arizona, an individual can commit only three types of identity theft:

  1. Identity Theft
  2. Aggravated Identity Theft and
  3. Identity Trafficking
  1. Identity Theft

It refers to the act of acquiring, through any means possible, the identity information of another individual (without their permission) with the intent to use unlawfully and might cause loss to the individual.

  1. Aggravated Identity Theft

It refers to the act of acquiring the identification information of three or more people (without obtaining their permission) with the intent to use unlawfully and to cause loss to the individuals.

  1. Identity theft is aggravated when the identification information is obtained for unlawful purposes with the intent to use and cause the victim to suffer a financial loss of $1,000 or more.
  2. Also, when an individual with another person’s personal information is employed, the employer is aware that the individual employed does not own the identity information.
  3. When the identification information of another person is used to determine the possibility of the individual with the identity information having the legal right and authorization to work in the state.


  • Identity Trafficking


Identity Trafficking occurs when an individual intentionally sells, transmits, or transfers identity information concerning another person.

Penalties for Identity theft in Arizona

The state of Arizona classifies Identity theft as a Class 4 felony., which makes the standard punishment for offenses relating to Identity theft in the state is 30 months in prison.

However, depending on the severity of the theft and the damage it caused, the judges at court could decide to either increase or reduce the penalty. Provided that the defendant is cooperative, the prosecutor may also choose to suggest a lower penalty.

The three types of Identity theft also has specific penalties levied against them:

  1. Identity theft is a Class 4 felony.
    1. Fines: could be up to $150,000
    2. Jail time: between 1.5years and 3 years
  2. Aggravated Identity theft is a Class 3 felony
    1. Fines: could be up to $150,000
    2. Jail time: between 2.5years and 7 years
  3. Identity Trafficking is a Class 2 felony
    1. Fines: could be up to $500,000
    2. Jail time: between 4 and 10 years.

Avoiding being a victim

Unless you are a sick and masochistic person, you would not want to be a victim of Identity theft. However, to become a victim, the following are certain tips to guard you and your financial future.

  1. Use difficult passwords for different accounts.
  2. Check your bank statements regularly.
  3. Be careful and wary about giving your identifying information over the phone.


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