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Arkansas DUI DWI laws

HomeArkansas DUI-DWIArkansas DUI DWI laws

Alike other the US States, under Arkansas DUI DWI laws

it is always advised not to drink and drive even if the alcohol consume,

BAC level should be maintained, which should not be more than 0.08% in adults and 0.02% for a minor,

i.e., those below the age of 21 years.

Consequences for a DUI/DWI offense:

In general, if an individual convict under the DUI/DWI offense, then:

  • A criminal case will file over the individual.
  • The driving license will cancel depending upon the severity and the number of DUI/DWI convictions

  the individual has charged for.

  • If the conviction count is over 5 within 5 years, the license will be completely canceled and reinstated.

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