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California Child Custody Laws

HomeCalifornia Child CustodyCalifornia Child Custody Laws

Almost every state of the US has adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (PDF), and child custody laws of California also comply with the same. The act approves joint custody and visitation rights to grandparents.

  • Before passing the decree on child custody, the court considers various things, and the best of the child’s interest is on top of that list. Following the child’s best interest, the court considers their age, emotional connection with both parents, health, school, and community. Court also ponder on the history of family abuse, if any.
  • The parenting plan is another essential element in the child custody proceedings. This plan must have custody details and must be amenable to both parents. Ensure that the “parenting plan” should be in the child’s best interests, or else the court will decline it.
  • Like custody decisions, the court also decides on visitation rights, considering the child’s best interests. Modification in visitation rights can be requested if there is a change in circumstances or the child’s requirements. However, the change must be substantial, and again, the modification request should favor the child’s interest.

Child custody is a difficult matter to handle emotionally, and it can be complex to understand legally. Still, before filing for it, one needs to understand the laws and procedures well. For this purpose, you can consult or hire an experienced child custody lawyer in California. The lawyer will help you understand the laws, legal procedures, and your rights and assist you in preparing a solid case.


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