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Delaware death penalty made unconstitutional

HomeDelawareDelaware death penalty made unconstitutional

The new scenario has witnessed an alteration in one of the imperative U.S State laws.

Here the reference is to the Delaware death penalty.

It is significant here to note that Delaware has had the third-highest number of executions per capita after Oklahoma and Texas.

In Delaware till date, first degree murder with 1 aggravating circumstance was considered a capital crime.

However, in other states, if the convict is under 18 or mentally challenged is constitutionally not included in the execution.

It has been in Delaware that a judge could override the decision of the jury.

The ruling came as a result of an opinion posted by the Delaware Supreme Court justices.

According to them, the state law violates the US constitution since it grants a judge to provide a death sentence independent of any jury’s recommendation.

In accordance with the court, the law falls into the bracket of unconstitutional.

It is because it does not need jurors to find the truth behind the occurrence of the aggravating circumstances.

The law considers inappropriate since the jurisdiction in the law is on the shoulder of a judge and not the jury to make the final call, affecting the death sentence.

They implied that if the jury had some position in the court, they should have the right to decide the death sentence and not just the judge.

Gov. Jack Markell praised this particular ruling as a good step since capital punishment is an instrument of imperfect justice by him.

However, Santino Ceccotti argued against it, adding room for more appeal in the federal court.

And, it is yet to see with regards to the fate of 13 men on Delaware’s death row.

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