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Divorce And Subsequent Alimony

HomeAlimony DivorceDivorce And Subsequent Alimony

Going through a Divorce? Looking for an Alimony lawyer to represent your case ? Look below. We already helped the following type of alimony cases. Now it’s time for you to connect with a good lawyer for your alimony case. Submit your case details.


I’m deaf  have one child by him no work refuse divorce been asking for long time and been abuse dv with feel not safe. pls need help he keep on play game no time for it


15 yrs marriage, 2 kids. iraq veteran threatening suicide regularly  in front of kids, don’t other terrifying things. i filed an ex-parte. he filed for divorce.


My husband & i were married july 6th 1996. during this time we had 2 children. i worked up until the time that i got sick. i have had 4 heart attacks and i am currently waiting for my disability hearing. september of 2014 he started talking to another woman at work. they began texting each other and he went to her house on different occasions. he walked out on me and our children on november 14th 2014. he kept telling me to not give up on us so if it didn’t work out with his girlfriend i would still be there. he broke in my garage and took the harley and his tools bc they weren’t awarded to him when we went to court for a domestic issue in december of 2014. a month ago i finally realized it was over when he texted me and asked me to come get him bc his girlfriend was supposedly crazy. i went over and he never came outside and he wouldn’t answer my texts nor my phone calls so i left.


My immigration and divorce lawyer passed away shortly after my divorce was finalized in march 2015. my ex husband is now with holding alimony until i have signed 2011-2012 tax returns, something we did not agree to in the decree or at mediation. his lawyer is sending a process server to my house today, and she said that was the only issue, i need the alimony to pay my tricare or i will lose coverage, and i have major medical issues. i also have a very low income but do not qualify for legal aid.


My husband left me for another woman and i was not working, he then stopped my alimony with a lump sum payment 12, 000 dollars short of what he owed all of this without my having a lawyer and i am mentally ill. he used my mental illness and my mental breakdown against me. he insisted i had no representation as he would make it fair blah blah. i was in such a dissociative state, i believed him. i am in dire straights and he is living it up. is there any way i can get the rest of my alimony?

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