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How and Where to File for a Worker’s Compensation Claim?

HomeEmployer/Employee IssuesHow and Where to File for a Worker’s Compensation Claim?

Not all, but most employees in the US are cover by the worker’s compensation law which entitles them to a compensation claim if an accident related to their job occurs.

The compensation will cover injuries acquired from the line of work. It also covers illnesses suffered because of long-term exposure to hazardous chemicals or exposure to harsh or brutal working environments. Diseases or injuries may vary widely. Sometimes it will pertain to hearing loss because of drilling, carpal tunnel syndrome because of excessive office typing, soreness of the back because of repetitive job duties. As long as it is work-related, you can file a compensation claim.

The question is, how and where can you file for a compensation claim?

  1. The first thing you need to do is get medical certifications that will support your right to claim. Then, let the medical professionals assess your or your family member’s condition.
  2. Inform your employer about your bad luck right away.
  3. Suppose your employer refuses to respond to your emergency by holding back their cooperation because they attempt to keep your compensation rate to go high. In that case, you have to report them to the local worker’s compensation office.
  4. You need to fill-up the form called Employee Claim C-3. The employer usually provides this form, and it is their responsibility to send the form to the insurance company. Unfortunately, if your loved one passed away because of accidents related to work, you need to work out the forms C-64 and C-65. Remember that the last physician, who could give a professional opinion on why and how the cause of death is work-related, should file C-64. After that, the funeral home can file the C-65.

Filing for a worker’s compensation is not going to be easy. Your employer and your insurance company will conduct their investigation to dispute your claim. That’s why it would be best to arm yourself with a good lawyer.

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