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Iowa Real estate Laws

HomeIowa Real EstateIowa Real estate Laws

Home buying is a big step for anyone. However, it also brings with it some critical legal issues. Unfortunately, those legal issues are not simple. For that reason, a home buyer needs to appoint a real estate lawyer or a real estate agent who is well versed in Iowa real estate laws.

Like other states in the USA, Iowa has real estate laws for its citizens. These fall under the governance of the Iowa Code. Any citizen needs to know the basics. Fortunately, we are here to make it easy to find out more about the Iowa real estate laws.

Benefits of appointing a Real Estate Agent

There is a huge benefit for a home buyer to appoint a real estate agent in Iowa. The real estate agent will help the buyer to protect their rights. It is an agent’s legal responsibility and is called “fiduciary duty.” It will include the disclosure of utmost care and honesty. It will help both parties avoid conflict and ensure a good agreement.

Disclosure from the Seller under Iowa real estate laws

According to Iowa Code Section 558A, disclosing the selling property’s defects is mandatory to the home or property seller. The law states that a seller has to provide a written disclosure statement to the potential buyer. The law also advises the seller to provide the disclosure statement to a buyer in person by hand or via registered mail.

If the seller fails to give a disclosure statement to the buyer before the formal offer makes, the buyer may withdraw the offer or breach the acceptance without any liability. The seller also has to file a disclosure statement to the country recorder or clerk. This procedure is unique to Iowa. As per Iowa real estate laws, a home seller cannot disclose in an oral form. Instead, they must provide it in writing.

The Iowa Department of Department of Licensing and Regulation has created a standard disclosure form. The form has six pages. The home seller must fill in the details of any defects in this form. The seller then has to certify that all of the information is accurate as per the property’s condition. Finally, the buyer will sign after inspecting the home or property.

A home or property seller needs to disclose the following defects:

  • Plumbing defect
  • Any sewage problems
  • Water leaks
  • If the house contains wet basements
  • Any heating or air conditioning problems
  • Roofing problems
  • The presence of any environmental hazards like radon or asbestos.

If the seller fails to disclose any defects properly or provides the information dishonestly, then the buyer may file a lawsuit against the seller to get the remedies. However, this process will cost a lot and take a long time. For that reason, Iowa real estate laws suggest the buyer inspects the property thoroughly before signing the agreement.

If you have any further queries about Iowa real estate laws, please do not hesitate to contact our qualified lawyer.

Important: The articles available on are neither legal advice nor a replacement for an attorney. The contents are general information and guidance concerning different legal issues. We make sure that these articles prove helpful to you, but we do not promise or guarantee that they are suitable for your condition. We also do not take responsibility for any loss that might cause to you using these articles. Hence, we strictly suggest you get expert legal advice. Consult or hire an attorney in case of any doubt.