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Health Care Coverage for Disability Beneficiaries

HomeSocial Security Disability InsuranceHealth Care Coverage for Disability Beneficiaries

Individuals who are drawing Social Security disability insurance (DI) become eligible for Medicare after receiving DI for two years.

Low-income individuals who receive SSI are generally eligible for Medicaid immediately.

Health coverage is critically important for those receiving disability benefits because individual insurance policies are likely to be unaffordable or unavailable.

According to the NASI report,

“Balancing Security and Opportunity: The Challenge of Income Disability Policy, “Many people with chronic health conditions or disabilities are at risk of very high health care costs.

They often cannot gain coverage in the private insurance market, and even when they do have individual coverage, it usually does not cover the range of services and long-term supports they need.

Current healthcare coverage gaps for people with disabilities limit their labor market options in several ways.”

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