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Red Light Traffic Ticket

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I got pull over for speeding and got a ticket for driving with a suspended lincens I being charge with a mister miner


I have three violations and need a motion for at least one of them so I dont have a five year suspension please and thank you.


I had a new car in 2008.where i got the car from they were no longer in business when i went back to get my tages i never got them i gave the car back in 2009 could not keep the payments up and now dmv say i own $6000 but i never had the tages


I recently found out that there are 5 warrants out for my arrest. Four are for forgotten traffic violations–a few from years ago. One is for a check that didnt go through. I did not have the money to resolve these issues as Ive been unemployed. I recently started a job working out of town. If I pay these old tickets is that all thats required to resolve this and get the warrants lifted?  If so, is there a way of making payments, as I doubt I can pay it all at once?


Received a notice in the mail about my license not being renewed because i owed a violation in another city from 2008 that i dont remember called the city and they told me the judge wouldnt be available until sept he booked up and i would have to submit a form to see him


Driving while suspended 2nd offenseNon registered vehichle 2nd offenseNo insurance 2nd offense


I was traveling west on the Ohio toll road 80/90 when a semi tractor trailer pulled in front of me, I only saw his lights moment before the impact and was given a speeding ticket stating that I was traveling 6 miles over the speed limit which cause a rear end collision.I have a clean driving record and do not understand how I am at fault and need advice.

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