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Repealing of Family Cap law

Family cap policy implies that monetary benefit and welfare allowance are not allowed to families or mothers after the birth of their second child.

Every family member is allotted some welfare benefit.

If a family has a child while they are receiving welfare benefits, there will be a moderate increase in the amount of welfare grants.

However, the year 1992 witnessed an alteration in this right in the city of New Jersey, with the implementation of family cap policy.

By the Federal law, for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the states can offer discretion to implement a family cap policy.

For, years women have been restricted from gaining monetary requirements and welfare benefits if they gave birth to new babies.

It has been of turbulence to women since they have been required to limit the size of their families.

However, with the latest Government Jerry Brown offering support for the new rule being passed, better times are ahead.

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As soon as the policy is redesigned, approximately 93,000 families will be benefitting from the same.

In fact, at an average, each child will be able to avail, $ 138 per month.

It is indeed remarkable that California is one of the seven states that have revoked the law.

The other states that have pursued the same involve Maryland, Illinois, Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Wyoming.

It will indeed be interesting to witness how many more states repeal the same.

To know more about this law, you can find a lawyer consultation by submitted the above form.

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