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Lawyer in 2 Steps

We Understand Legal Needs of Your Small Business

We know small businesses those with 250 employees or less face a host of legal issues, But due to high legal expense, Owners avoid hiring an attorney to help them.

So we present you the opportunity to connect only with affordable lawyer/firm small business legal services under your budget.


Why your small business need a lawyer?

No matter your small business is new or well-established, it always require legal representative for myriads of legal tasks and issues. Your Small Business lawyer can help you with following tasks and issues:

  • Create buy-sell agreement and contracts for clients/customers.
  • Create operating agreement, Legal partnership agreement, LLC or shareholder’s agreement
  • Application for EIN (Employer Identification Number).
  • IRS audits or tax issues.
  • Copyright, Trademark, and Patents issues.
  • Debts and bankruptcy issues.
  • Dissatisfied clients/customers.
  • Handle routine business law matters related to HR/Leases/Securities.
  • You’re sued by an ex, current, or prospective employee on the basis of gender discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination etc.
  • Any complain or case filed by local, state or federal government against your business for violation of laws.
  • If there is an environmental issue and your business is involved (no matter your business is creating the environmental problem or not, you still can be penalized)
  • In cases of acquisition of other company or buying its assets; and sale negotiation

Note: The above list is not thorough, there could be other issues as well, which require legal representation. Depending on the severity of the issue and affordability, you can always choose to hire a small business lawyer.

If you are also facing any of these small business legal issue. You should ask for help NOW
