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Landlord Tenant law

HomeLandlord/TenantLandlord Tenant law

Landlord-tenant law is an essential part of the common law, explaining the tenant and landlord’s duties and rights in detail.

The details about the rights and duties include both contract law and real property law.

The landlord-tenant laws are meant to reduce disputes among both landlord and tenant.

The government has launched laws to define the role and responsibility of the landlord and tenant.
In most cases, the responsibilities of the lessor and lessee differ, but they are mostly done on a mutual understanding. Then, both parties sit and talk out the conditions.

Since last some time, the verbal form of the lease has already been abolished from the mainstream of US law.

Instead, they have to be written, and the same has to be notarized to make it legal.

Let us discuss some of the different acts the government creates to define the authority of the tenant and the landlord.

Rent amount

  • In the case of deciding the rent amount, the landlord is the sole owner of the same. But the tenant should remember that the landlord cannot charge anything higher than the market rate.
  • The rent has to charge according to the facilities provided by the landlord.
  • These are essential points to consider while finalizing the rent amount.

Security deposit

  •  The tenant provides the security deposit according to the instructions of the landlord.
  • There is no fixed rate for the security deposit, but the tenant has to pay a security deposit of 2 months in most cases.
  • This amount is a refundable deposit amount, and the landlord cannot use it for any purpose except to recover the unpaid rent amount, if any.

Eviction of the tenant

  • The landlord can evict the tenant for various reasons – non-payment of rent for a long time – unless and until there is a mutual understanding between the landlord and the tenant that the rent shall pay in small installments.
  • The landlord has the right to evict the tenant if they intentionally damaged the property.
  • They can remove if they have any contact with any terrorist activities and do any unlawful acts.

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