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Virginia Alimony Law

HomeAlimony VirginiaVirginia Alimony Law

Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is the financial assistance provided to a former spouse by the other upon legal decree.

It does not mean punishing the guilty spouse but provides to decrease the financial disturbances that can take root from divorce.


A Factor to consider:

In Virginia Alimony law, a petition of adultery can provide divorce,

but this can be a significant concern in the case of alimony.

In the old alimony laws, a person’s right to alimony cuts off when s/he proves to be faulty.

But in the revised law, they are not entirely deprived of the right.

But alimony determined depends on the adultery committed by the recipient or

the person’s infidelity from whom the amount seeks.

If you are considering an alimony lawyer, you can find an affordable lawyer here.


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