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Indiana Child Custody Laws

HomeChild Custody IndianaIndiana Child Custody Laws

Like most US states, Indiana also has Uniform Child Custody Act, and the laws also allow Joint custody if it is in the child’s best interest.

Under any circumstances, if the parents cannot agree on child custody, the court will decide the custody. The judge will make an arrangement keeping the best of the child’s interests, especially the child’s wellbeing and safety. If the child is 11 or above, the court will allow them to state their choice(s). The court will also consider which parent will take more care of the child’s emotional, educational, and physical needs.

NOTE: Parent’s history of alcohol or drug abuse, domestic violence, criminal charges, and convictions can also be considered by the judge while making a child custody agreement.

Once an order is passed with respect to the parenting time agreement, everyone involved should strictly abide by it.

Modification of Child Custody:

Modifying the original agreement granted by the court on child custody is often discouraging and also a difficult task.

But there are certain areas of the law that understand the situations demanding change.

  • The co-parent filing a petition for the change in the agreement should present reasonable evidence that can serve the child’s best interest to the court.
  • The modification is offered if the court considers the request serious and damaging to the child in custody.

When to hire a child custody lawyer?

When you and your partner are not reaching a mutual child custody agreement and face trouble dealing with the partner, you need to hire a child custody lawyer. Your lawyer will help you negotiate in child custody agreement and, if required, also represent you in court.


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