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Wyoming Bankruptcy Laws

HomeChild Custody WyomingWyoming Bankruptcy Laws

It is said that preexisting debt, when remained unpaid, can hamper even the honest and unfortunate debtor from going into a crisis.

The governing federal law of Wyoming provides a series of the comprehensive filing process.

The process is also quite simple and flexible to understand, apply and appreciate the varied structure of laws.

There is a requirement of pre-credit counseling and pre-discharge debtor education in an approved US agency.

Under Wyoming bankruptcy laws,

there are two options wherein bankruptcy filing can be considered either for individuals or corporate.

Bankruptcy process

  • Individual debtors filing for bankruptcy within a prescribed time of 6 months
  • Bankruptcy act means test, analyzing expenses and incomes to qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13
  • Gathering paperwork for itemizing current income sources
  • Filing for bankruptcy using Wyoming exemptions
  • Chapter 13 requirements and submitting a proposed repayment plan
  • Meeting of creditors and plan confirmation

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