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Looking for an alimony lawyer help? Look below; we helped the following cases. Maybe we can also connect you to a lawyer.


Ex-husband refuses to pay court-ordered alimony.  he has stopped paying and i am in financial trouble.  i am 78yo and i only have my social security check.


My husband kicked me out in may of this year and is barely sending me enough money to cover my doctor and prescriptions each month. he has threatened to not send me any more money if i file for more money and i dont know what to do.


I have been divorced for couple of years now. i am wondering if i, becoming unable to work and going on disability during marraige, would be eligible for alimony.  there are circumstances that may not be the norm in this case andreally need advice. thank you


I have been in litigation with my husband for 3 years now. he has refused to bring in his financial statement to the court because he refuses to pay me alimony. we were married 11 years 6 months, we lived together for 22 years and have been legally separated since march 2,2013. i was a stay at home mom with our children which was a decision my husband and i made during our marriage. my attorneys have not settled one issue and i am now representing myself. how do i go about getting the judge to order my husband to bring in his financial statement?  i make $11.25 per hour and i am still putting our 18 year old daughter through high school and i barely scrape by at this point. any help would be appreciated.thank you,


Wife served me with divorce,  moved in with another man, about 6 mths ago. i started dating, she found out and stopped divorce. i no longer wished to be with her, so i  moved out. now she wants child support and alimony,  even though she makes three times what i do. i have a court date on november 17, and need help fast.

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