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Author Details

Maxwell Frank
Frank Maxwell is a creative content creator and writer, with a verse knowledge in every aspect of human subjects as requested by the client. His mission is to satisfy clients need and promptly deliver their works as at when due. He has had a lot of positive reviews and rating from his clients for the total dedication to the work given to him and provision of rich contents for the promotion of their businesses. Frank holds a degree in the English language from University of Oxford, Master of Art in journalism, media studies and communication(Harvard University) and Ph.D. in journalism, media studies, and communication from Oxford University.
Bankruptcy Laws for an LLC
Bankruptcy Laws for an LLC

The bankruptcy laws that have to do with limited liability companies are not clear. The US Bankruptcy code consists of

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August 1, 2016
Things to consider before reporting the car accident
Auto Accident Lawyers, US Lawyer,
Things to consider before reporting the car accident

Accidents are accidents because they are not intentional and are not expected. However, according to research, drivers can expect to

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July 21, 2016
Nevada Foreclosure Laws
Nevada Foreclosure Laws

Foreclosure is a legal procedure where a lender tries to get back the remainder of a loan from a borrower who

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September 2, 2015