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Auto Accident And DUI

HomeAuto Accident DUI-DWIAuto Accident And DUI

An auto accident can cause you heavy losses; get legal aid and insurance by free consultation from auto accident attorneys in your area, following cases already taking advantage of this service.


Involved in a car accident on april of 2009 i was ticketed and no insurance was on my vehicle so im being sued by the insurace company of the other vehicle….please help!!!!!


On august 22 my vihecle was hit on the driver side the police was called the person that hit me was driving fathers car so he didnot give officers his insurance info i tride calling no responce i sent a cetifide letter no responce i payd for the damages my self how can i prosue this situation i have police report and payment statement what do i do


I was in a car Accident. A homeless man was drunk and walking across the road not using the cross walk it was dark and the guy just keep walking to the van i hit him and now he is sueing me.when he was drunk and not using the cross walk. I did not see him


My son was recently alleged of a DUI with severe bodily injury involved.  He is a Marine and the other two involved are marines also.  This was a one car accident. He is 23 yrs old. He is worried and feels alone.  Please give us a call so we can receive some information in order to help him.


I was in an auto accident.Can not afford an lawyer I dropped of my son at the middle school for basketball practice after dropping him off I approched the stop sign where there was a line of auto at the stop sign 2 In front of me the 1st on went,then the second one went as well I had to stop due to traffic coming from the right of me I stoped at the stop sign looked did not see anyone coming so I made a left hand turn and got hit I did not see this guy until he hit me, I there for a min blacked out but came back too.To the PARAMEDIC getting me out of my van. Now it was 5:30 pm I did not see this guys light and he was also speeding and on the (CELL PHONE A BIG NO<NO  the reason I know he was on the cell phone he got out of his auto and told who ever he was on the phone with he had to go he has to call (911) he was just in a car accident.  ( I was sighted a ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign but there is no way u can run the stop sign with a line of traffic. This guy HIT me so hard he KNOCKED the DRIVER seat crocked and my seat belt came off as well and no air bags DEPLOYED.GM BAD. I NEED HELP FIGHTING THIS I DID NOT RUN NO STOP SIGN.

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