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Bankruptcy Case

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Need legal aid for bankruptcy? Following cases already got it to submit your case and get legal aid NOW.


Credit Card debt of over 18,000. One of the Credit Cards already has a judgement. Medical debt of over 3000. Other debt of about 3000. Car accident in 2009 that set me back and just have not been able to recover. I have had a process server at my door on two days, but working and not able to answer the door(I do telephone support from home), so I know it will only get worse. Bank account has been garnished once. Would like to know the cost to file. I believe I would be Chapter 7. Thank you.


Hey,I trust you are doing fine. Would you mind telling me what you and your company do for me please? Please be specific!!Thanks.


I was up to date on my bills until September of 2011.  My living arrangements changed at that time.  I am having a difficult time just paying, and keeping up with my basic bills of house, electric etc.  I cannot pay my bills, and do not have the money to hire a lawyer.  I am between a rock and a hard place.  I feel very bad that I cannot meet my commitments, but have no other choice than to seek legal help.  Thank You


Havent worked in over 4 years Ive lost pretty much everything my wife,house,job,truck. Im not divorced yet but dont live in her house anymore. They just cleaned out my bank account and took what little I did have from income taxes. Im homeless I stay where ever I can lay my head down


I am disabled and my social security is 928 dollars a month and I need to file bankruptcy this year. I had a bankruptcy 8 years ago august and it was discharged in oct. 2004 I need to file because i went through a divorce in in jan of 2010 and my ex-husband continues to not pay child support. in the processes his vehicle my vehicle and my daughters vehicle was repossessed and I was the primary on all three vehicles. plus 3 credit cards nd medicl bills.


My husband and I lost our jobs within the same year. Bills  mounting and I am seeking assistance to file Bankruptcy.


I am a divorced woman on Social Security disability. My credit accrued alot of issues while i waited the 3 years to receive my benefits. There is no way i can afford to do this on my own. I only bring in 900 a month income and have 2 children.


I am older than 18, but without either a bankcard or credit card.  I am between a separation and a divorce, layed off from a job Ive held for over 28 years, and broke – except for a small IRA.  I have NO money (or anything else) coming in.  What to do?


I have more debt than my current income. I am 2-3 months behind in rent. My car was reposessed, and my income is being garnished because of a defaulted student loan. I am also repaying a loan borrowedfrom my 401k.


We need to file chapter 13 because we have co-signers on our business notes and the bank did not put the notes under our business the put it under our personal names. We also are going through foreclosure  on our home. We are a low income home due to my husbands trucking company.

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