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Child Custody Type and Arrangements

HomeChild Custody DivorceChild Custody Type and Arrangements

If you are willing to understand child custody during the divorce proceedings, you should first understand child custody type and arrangements in the concerned laws.

Nearly all the laws have classified the custody into two classes as

  • Legal and
  • Physical custody.

Legal custody is the one in which the parents have the right to make the child’s life major decisions with regard to his studies, health, and development. In contrast to legal custody, physical custody means how the child is living on a daily basis.

two basic kinds of custody arrangements persist as

  • Sole and
  • Joint custody of the child.

Sole custody is when only one parent, whether its mother or father, holds the whole child’s rights with regard to his education, health, and development, and the other parent does not have any obligations towards the child legally.

And in joint custody, the child can live with both the parents, some days with the father and some days with the mother. And each parent has equal responsibilities towards the child.

In case of a joint custody of your child can spend half the time with father and half with the mother. This way the child does not suffer from the lack of care of one of the parent. And also he is rescued from the mental trauma of divorce.

The joint custody of your child has been equally favored the world over as it lets the child be taken care of by both the parent.

Marriage which regards as a pure form of the institution is losing its meaning nowadays. It’s becoming hard to find a soul mate who can strive to be together with you all his life. The drawback which comes after divorce is only of your child custody.

Your child can’t understand the complications of a relationship, so he remains disturbed due to the fights and divorce of his parents. But with joint custody, your child can enjoy the attention and care of both parents instead of one parent.

And through joint custody, the tensions and conflicts between the divorced parents also lessen as they can have equal and identical rights on the child. No one can blame anyone for any decision taken in respect of your child.

Nevertheless, one should always hope that divorce does not enter the couple’s lives and once married, they live happily ever after. ForSo on more information on a child custody arrangement, feel free to seek some help from us.

Important: The articles available on are neither legal advice nor a replacement for an attorney. The contents are general information and guidance concerning different legal issues. We make sure that these articles prove helpful to you, but we do not promise or guarantee that they are suitable for your condition. We also do not take responsibility for any loss that might cause to you using these articles. Hence, we strictly suggest you get expert legal advice. Consult or hire an attorney in case of any doubt.