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Child Support Lawsuit

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Child Support Lawsuit


Child support is ordered through the state but I am not receiving it. I would like enforcement help I am owed over 19,000 in one case and 11,000 in the other.


My daughters grandparents are the ones who filed for child support.The papers I received said I only had 20 days to respond.I went to the court house here, I went to a different office ive called many ddifferent places but they all say the same thing, that they cant help me.I do not know what to do.I need your help. I only have until June 9th to respond. if u could help me out that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. God bless.


I need assistance with filling out paperwork that is required to submit a request for child support.


my sons dad gets 100 percent va benifits and will not pay court ordered child support. he does not care about serving 30 days in jail because it will not affect his income. is there anything that can be done


I filled for a child support reveiw because i havent had one and now my exhusband is fighting it when i have to do it all


I have a son that I been paying child support on 1999 and found out my son has been adopted off since 2000 and has been taking money and income taxes from me and never gave me notification of adoption or parental rights being taken. I want to setup a lawsuit against the state for wrongful adoption and child Support garnishment. Please call for further info on this matter. Thank You


There is a child that is not mine. they wont give me a paternity test. and they still want me to pay child  support on this child. I need help. thank you


I need a lawyer but cant afford one. I have two cases im trying to go back to work to pay my support like i have been, but i need to drive because my job is out of state and no bus or train can get me there.


Mother of my child reopen our  child support order now I am being told I have to pay back pay to her. I have been taking care of my child and I need assistance getting a modification done to the order and visitation.

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