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Colorado Divorce Law

HomeColorado DivorceColorado Divorce Law

The Colorado Divorce law is the section of a national alimony reform movement, with many state legislatures asking to either limit or standardize spousal maintenance monitory returns.

The main thing is that the focus has been on the absence of stability in maintenance judgments,

which resulted in conceptions of unfairness and the inability to guess results.

all of which have changed to the use of maintenance formulas, matching those used to calculate infant support to determine payments.

  • After more than twenty-four months of work, including an easy task force and legal training, Colorado has made a formula of its own.
  • There is ambiguity; still, it depends on how closely the court will follow it.
  • Therefore, the guidelines are only an advisory to the legal actions, an initial point to help think how much, if any,

maintenance should give and the required period.

  • The final decision still depends upon the court, which must recognize such facts as

each partner’s income, financial assets and requirements, and marital resources.

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