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Connecticut Family Violence Education program

HomeConnecticut FamilyConnecticut Family Violence Education program

Family violence education program is a psychoeducational program designed to help people cope with the anger, stress, and frustration that they face in their lives by learning new techniques.

The Connecticut Family Violence Education Program is one of several Connecticut pre-trial diversionary programs, which, if granted, can:

  1. Suspend your prosecution case for two years, and
  2. Then result in the firing of your eligible charges on their whole.

Not every domestic violence case comes under a Family violence program. Still, experienced attorneys can help you negotiate the resolution of your case that will help you complete the Family Violence Program in exchange for the dismissal of all of your charges, including those that are not FVEP-eligible.

A family is challenged on many levels- emotionally, psychologically, and financially if gone through domestic violence arrest in Connecticut.

But luckily, after spending millions of dollars and many years, Connecticut law enforcement, along with local and state government officials, made resource platforms for both victims of domestic violence and rehabilitation and education programs for those people arrested in Connecticut for domestic violence crimes.

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