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Father’s rights in Indiana

HomeChild Custody Family IndianaFather’s rights in Indiana

Before getting into the details of the Father’s rights in Indiana, it will be imperative for the readers to know that Indiana uses the “best interests of the child” and advocates.

General Law

  • Indiana law emphasizes the family unit.
  • Hence, both parents are essential.

Paternity law

  • If the couple is married when the conception or birth of the child took place, it gives the right to the Father to petition for custody or even visitation if they get divorced later.
  • The name of the Father also comes on the birth certificate.
  • However, if the parents are not married, then within 72 hours of the child’s birth, the Father can submit an affidavit of paternity for availing the parental rights.

Custody and visitation law

The court tries to maintain family bonding.

  • Grants visitation to the noncustodial parent.
  • It takes aid from the fact of who does the child wants to live.
  • Joint custody is a share in Indiana.
  • There is also the rule that the children see their noncustodial parent every other weekend and one weekday.

Overnight visits law

  • If the Father is the noncustodial parent of a child under 3, overnight visitation is possible.
  • The exception to the rule is if the Father had not had any overnight time before the relationship’s breakup.

Child support law

  • Child support pays the noncustodial parent to the custodial parent to take care of childcare and other child-related expenses.
  • The basis of the same is the need of the parent the child is with later.
  • It also depends on the condition of the child.
  • And yet again, the income of the parent the child is with post-separation.
  • If a parent has lost the job, a petition can be filed in court to reduce the child support obligation.
  • However, failure to pay the same in other conditions may result in fines and jail.


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