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Helping Children cope with Divorce

HomeDivorceHelping Children cope with Divorce

The percentage of divorce in the United States has been on the rise.

Children from divorced families have to face many challenges and make lots of adjustments in their lives.

Depending upon the child, the acceptance of the situation and reactions may vary, but most children make this transition well and become responsible and confident adults.

If spouses work towards creating a positive and conflict-free parental atmosphere around children,

they can continue having an excellent parental relationship with them even after divorce.

However, many couples find it hard to establish such healthy relationships.

Parents can have disagreements, but they have to learn to be cooperative and adjust for their children’s sake.

Couples may have feelings of anger for each other, but they have to find ways to have a parental relationship for their betterment.

They can start with parallel parenting, letting them spend some exclusive time with the children while not seeing each other.

As their relationship improves with time, they can go for cooperative parenting, where they communicate directly and dispassionately.

Talking with children and addressing their doubts, questions, and confusion can help them feel loved and secured. Both parents should participate in their school activities, be accessible to them, and avoid negative feedback about the other parent. They should avoid canceling plans and maintain regularity in their timings.


If you see signs of moodiness, stress, guilt, fear, insecurity, depression, sleeplessness, or any noticeable change in your children’s behaviour, then you should try and seek professional help for them.

Parents and children can attend court-connected divorce education programs.

School programs can help children learn coping strategies. In addition, public and private health care centers and university family therapy centers provide therapy to families.

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