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Alaska Identity Theft Laws

HomeAlaska Identity TheftAlaska Identity Theft Laws

There are lots of states in the United States that have laws concerning stolen information and identity theft, and Alaska is one of those states. In 2009, the Personal Information Protection Act for Alaska got passed. It aimed to serve as a form of protection for the information of all individuals resident in the state. According to this Alaska identity theft laws act, information theft is a primary offense and can get one into jail. It can also attract fines.

Alaska Identity Theft Laws

Breach of Security Involving Personal Information – Sec. 45.48.010 – .090

It is expedient that consumers get access to any available details if, for any reason, their information is breached. The implication of this is their driver’s license number or any other piece of information which belongs to them, such as their names, their social security number, or account number, has been either made use of or found. These details have to be released immediately.

An exception is if a criminal investigation that prevents it is ongoing. Well, if this is the case, as soon as the investigation is over, the details can be made available. If there will be no harm from the breach of information, there really will be no point in making it known to the customer.

One of the situations in which the breach will not pose any harm to the customer is if the information aims to obtain a different age to purchase tobacco or alcohol. However, there should be a written notice for this breach.

The only exception is if the institution involved feels it can be safely made available in another form. When a piece of information needs to be made known, but it stays hidden, any institution or individual involved has to pay a fine of $500.

Credit Report and Credit Score Security Freeze – Sec. 45.48.100 – .290

There are no restrictions that keep customers from placing security feeds on their credit scores and credit report. When done, another person is unable to access this report. Apart from instances where agencies involved have a different plan, freezing has to do via mail. Getting this freeze placed on an account costs quite some amount of money. Also, each of the major reporting agencies will have to get a freeze on an account placed by a consumer. Freezing of reports sometimes costs $15. That is $5 for each report and $6 to unfreeze.

Protection of Social Security Number in Alaska Identity Theft Laws – Sec. 45.48.400 – .480

Under no circumstances is anyone given the freedom to make information concerning social security numbers available to the public. Also, internet access might not require a social security number. That is not all. Social security numbers are not supposed to be put on emails sent to customers who own them. There is, however, an exception. It is when a government agency is in the picture.

Factual Declaration of Innocence – Sec. 45.48.600 – .690

When an individual becomes a victim of identity theft, such an individual can ask for a declaration of innocence. For this declaration to grant, the Alaska Superior Court must petition. This law comes into play when whoever is involved in the identity theft gets convicted or is sent to jail. A database contains the names of all individuals who have been victims of this theft type.

If there are any suspicions of identity theft, it is okay to file a police report. The case will handle by the agency in the victim’s area of residence. So it is even though the crime might commute elsewhere.

Truncation of Card Information – Sec. 45.48.750

Printing of the digits of a credit or debit card should not go past the last four numbers. If s receipt from a sale purchase is involved, this becomes even more important. Also, an instrument that can get these numbers printed electronically is prohibited from being sold.  If this statute violates, it can attract a penalty of $3000. Attorney fees, court costs, etc., are not included.

Well-Known Cases

Lots of Charges of Identity Theft in Anchorage, Alaska identity theft laws

Two individuals in Anchorage, Alaska, have had lots of counts of identity theft put up against them. These two are Zachary Ensman and Kelci Neal. They were involved in the theft of checks from vehicles, homes, and mailboxes. Then, they went ahead to access the bank accounts owned by those checks using the stolen identities. The individual involved in this crime got 48 counts for various criminal acts. Some of them are having stolen mail, conspiracy, and bank fraud. Although Neal did not appear in court, they are both facing 30 years in jail individually.


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