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Kentucky Alimony Law: What it Takes To Be Sucessful

HomeAlimony KentuckyKentucky Alimony Law: What it Takes To Be Sucessful

Kentucky Alimony Law, also known as maintenance, can be given to a spouse following a marriage’s dissolution in Kentucky. Maintenance is typically given irrespective of the party’s gender, and it could either be on a temporary or permanent basis.

Depending on both parties’ financial circumstances. The basic requirements to get alimony are an inability to gain sufficient employment or a dearth of assets once the marital property has been divided.

There are many factors to be considered when calculating the amount of maintenance to be given the Kentucky Alimony Law.

Kentucky’s alimony law enables the court to use any spousal fault, such as drunkenness, adultery, or any other nefarious act, as a factor when deciding the maintenance.

Special Factors to consider when calculating maintenance in Kentucky Alimony Law

The court has the power to consider some special when it chooses to award maintenance:

  • Any form of disability
  • Medical treatment
  • Continuing learning or educational disability

Temporary Maintenance

A Kentucky court can award numerous forms of maintenance. One form refers to as temporary maintenance. It is usually has a short validity and is ordered during the divorce proceedings.

The spouse that requests the temporary maintenance has to show an expenses and assets list, which must be looking at to determine eligibility. This temporary maintenance is typically terminated once the marriage has been dissolved.

Post-Dissolution Maintenance in Kentucky Alimony Law

This maintenance kicks in after the marriage has been dissolved. A spouse might be eligible for permanent or rehabilitative maintenance during this circumstance.

A Kentucky court rarely grants permanent maintenance, and it is usually given to spouses that were in a former marriage that lasted for a minimum of 10 years, as long as the spouse that receives the maintenance has no source of income or an income level that is less than that of the paying spouse.

It can also be given when the spouse receiving the maintenance payment has a health problem that prevents them from finding employment.

The most popular form of maintenance is rehabilitative maintenance. It is usually given when both parties were in a marriage that lasted a maximum of 5 years.

A spouse can ask for rehabilitative maintenance if they require time to gain a sufficient employment source, including education and training time.

Duration and Amount

As soon as the Kentucky court concludes that an individual from a dissolved marriage has met the requirements for maintenance, the court has to deliberate on numerous factors to calculate the amount of the payments and the duration.

These factors consist of things like the health and age of both spouses, the marriage’s duration, the asset value of each spouse, the income of each spouse, any hindrance stopping the receiving party from getting employment, financial needs; the paying spouse’s paying capability and just how long the receiving party requires to gain an education or training that can use to get adequate employment.


Typically one-off payments or lump sum form of maintenance is usually considered terminated or closed once they have been awarded. So it is because they are also not modifiable.

It means that should a court instruct a certain sum in maintenance, that sum has to be fully paid, either if the payment is paid in periodic installments or one large sum. Nevertheless, all other forms of maintenance ordered can alter.

A court in Kentucky can either decrease or increase maintenance payments when requested by the parties involved if either spouse experiences a change in finances like job loss or injury or illness severe enough to inhibit one’s ability to find employment.

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