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Here is how you can limit visitation rights

HomeVisitation RightsHere is how you can limit visitation rights

Child custody issues are never hassle-free. It is indeed complicated.

When child custody allots, there is a probability that you are perplexed concerning the visitation rights issue.

You might not like a particular parent for some behavior they pursue, the same might be your concern for a grandparent, or there may be issues about the time slot designated for parenting time with minor kids.  

Too much to deal with! Isn’t it! 

The court has the right to restrict the visitation rights of the noncustodial parent from visiting the child if: –

  • The noncustodial parent is hurting the physical health of the child.
  • There is witnessed a significant impairment in the emotional development of the child due to visitation.

You can ask the judge to limit visitation, at:-

  • Provisional hearing in a divorce
  • Final hearing in the divorce
  • Paternity hearing
  • Modify visitation or custody When a petition is filed.

If you intend to limit the visitation rights by the noncustodial parent, you will require some substantial evidence:-

  • The individual who has witnessed the disqualify parent or the member of the noncustodial parent house abuse the child.
  • Testifier, who has seen the noncustodial parent or the member of the noncustodial parent home, consumes drugs or the like in the child’s presence.
  • Medical records or testimonials project that some injury or sexual abuse caused by a disqualify parent or a member of the noncustodial parent’s household.
  • The records, which lay witness to the criminal conviction of the disqualify parents.

The best advice to take assistance from the lawyers and a well-read attorney to safeguard your child.


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