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I have recently been diagnosed with bi polar disorder and was recently hospitalized. and am unable to work $0 income. i need to clear my debt so i can pull my retirement to live on and hope disability will continue being as good as it has been. I work with fragile clients and cannot go back until my manic episodes are gone.This is not a selfish request.


I am currently unemployed i cant pay my bills i am considering bankruptcy as an alternative to my problems.


Ive been unemployed for over two years, and at 56 years of age never been on public assistance as I now am.  The creditors Lawyer (Pressler and Pressler)are harassing me, I need to file for chapter 7 as were going to court 6/6/12.


I ghad an accident on the job. I am n ow disabled and collecting ssdi. I have a part time job now working from home with minimal income. My yealy income is about 12 thousand dollars. I now have credit card creditors that are harassing me and now I have been contacted by an attorneys office. I dont know how to pay these people as I just dont have the money.


I lost my job in 2010. Lost my house and all other assets in 2011. I am staying with a family member now and have no income. I need to file bankruptcy but have no funds. I owe roughly 150,000.00 in debt. What can I do?


59yrs Lon.lost job 11mos ago cant find a job already gave back my home to wells Fargo,next will be my car no insurance. My sons seemm to be afraid I was going to end my life I don,t think so but all the phone calls have to stop and at this time I need to start over after35yrs nursing and do something else


I have been out of work over a year due to health problems. Iam 10 months behind on house payment and credit cards and hospitals bills also unscured loans to.I have talked with a lawyer and did paper work but i dont have the money to pay for chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Can you please help?


Need a Bankruptcy attorney immediately,  Had a very bad attorney recently and missed up a case. Refiled in pro se, but never intended to go alone.  Creditor has violated the stay26 times and made it impossible to make appointments.  Facing a hearing and need help.  Trying to save a commercial property owned for 8 years.  Thank you!

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