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Comparative negligence law

HomeAuto AccidentComparative negligence law

Vehicular accidents have become a common feature of urban life.

The problem begins when none involved accepts the negligence on their part.

However, the judiciary offers a mechanism, Comparative Negligence laws, through which determining the negligence of either involved becomes easy.

Understanding the Concept

Comparative negligence is the concept that effectively decides the fault of the directly involved parties in an accident based on their public conduct.

When both parties are somewhat responsible, Comparative Negligence compares and allocates fault between both involved and asks each one to pay a share for the damages to the other party.

Aspects of being considered:

– The defender abides by law to take enough precautions and care.

– The defender was reckless in his conduct and behaved irresponsibly.

– The defender’s conduct was the principal reason for injury.

– The defender was aware of his behavior that may cause damage.

– The claimant suffered actual injuries, and they were not responsible.

Comparative Negligence Example:

For example, imagine Jeff speeding on Brooklyn Street and colliding with Lilly from Beech Street.

Since Jeff was speeding, he appears liable, but Jury sees Lilly did not slow down or give a signal.

Hence, the Jury will reduce Jeff’s responsibility towards Lilly’s injuries by 40% and ask Lilly to pay 40% towards Jeff’s damages, while Jeff would pay only 60% of Lilly’s losses.

Also, read about contributory negligence law.

The Comparative Negligence Resolution

While the old approach prohibits injury for damage recovery, the new plan is much more reasonable. In addition, it allows both parties equal rights to claim and defend injury damages.

Comparative negligence has two understandings.

In Pure Comparative Negligence, the recovery of damage is either denied ultimately or reduced based on the responsibility of the injured.

In a Modified Comparative Negligence, the injured must not be responsible above and beyond 50% for the cause of injury to claim the damages.

If you have faced such a claim against you, get your injury claim reviewed immediately at almost no cost.


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