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Domestic Violence And Child Custody

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Local child custody lawyers help to get legal aid for your child custody case. If they can help following types of child custody cases, why not yours? You need to submit your case details quickly.


I have power of attorney on a non relative child that I have had since he was 10 months old. The mother lives in a home with abuse that the where the child was in his mother lap when she was punched in the head by the man she still resides with. He went to jail for assault and bodily injury on the childs mother and she still with him. I just trying to protect this child.


Back in 2009 I received full custody of my daughter. Then my ex kidnapped her. Gone for two and a half years. My ex was convicted of felony has to stay away but trying to get me old 2009 order which stated she could have supervised visitation. But this was before ex took her and I now live in another county which granted me full custody. Who now has jurisdiction over my daughter miami county where I live now or franklin county who made 2009 order


I left my husband in October of 2013 due to living in a marriage that has been full of domestic violence since day one  My husband has told me if I left and took the children he would kill me…our marriage had gotten to the point that I did believe him .


The father of my child wants nothing to do with it and I do not want him there either. He has states tht he would sign over the rights and I have agreed. I will pay for everything.


I have been helping support my daughter and have receipts that say so as well, we have also shared custody between us and the baby was coming up to Phoenix almost every weekend and sometimes for the week. I have written down dates that she has been here and I have not been allowed custody for a while now, she sometimes allows me to visit the baby when time is good for her, I do have a job and believe she is being unreasonable, she will no longer tell me the location or phone numbers of the people that will be baby sitting for us. My question is, if we verbally agreed on weekends being spent with the me and she has shown intent of this is there anyway that I can recieve fifty fifty custody. As well, I did sign the birth certificate at the hospital and recieve a copy with my name on it.


I’m 23 years old with a five year old daughter. ive been in her life since day one and over the years have been verbally threatened by my daughters mother about her taking my daughter away from me. the most a get her is three ties a week and I get denied by her mother if I ask for anymore time.i was not signed on the birth certificate when she was born and now the state has mailed me paterinity papers to sign. i really need help with which steps to take from here. im employed and have my own house. i have reciepts from stuff i have gotten and provided for my daughter. also alot of documents with plenty of other useful info as well. please help

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