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Mississippi Divorce Law

HomeDivorce MississippiMississippi Divorce Law

In Mississippi, for a legal separation, one of the spouses should be a resident of Mississippi for a minimum of 180 days before the process of divorce.

The chancery court would have legal grounds on suits for separation.

A Mississippi divorce based on irreconcilable differences may begin in the county where either party resides.

Complain can also be filed in the county where the partner stays if the said party is not a habitant of Mississippi.

  • The law of Mississippi divorce allows separation to be sanctioned based on irreconcilable differences if both parties concur.
  • The divorce petition based on irreconcilable dissimilarities should have been on file for two months prior to the hearing.
  • A legal separation may also sanction on the ground of impotence, extramarital sex, purposeful, regular, and stubborn desertion for one year.

Six steps to properly handle your Mississippi divorce case. Click here

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