Across the United States, there is a need for Texas Family Law help. And the basis for these needs in Texas is several. Although, Family Law involves a wide variety of legal issues, including child support, alimony, property distribution, child custody, divorce, and Texas Father’s right.
The most common reason people need Family Law Help in Texas is that a good number of them are looking to get divorced from their spouses. As a result, divorce is the family law topic that gets the most audience in Texas.
The Texas Family Law happens to be complex, and it is also different from that of other states.
These laws determine how the issues belonging to the category of Texas family law can be tackled and decided in court; however, they are not particularly easy to comprehend.
To better understand these laws and your rights as a layman, you will require the assistance and guide of a family law attorney, who is a professional at what he does.
Texas Divorce Family Law
In divorce cases, there are usually two categories. The first category has both parties in agreement to separate, with agreements made over virtually all of the issues attached to the divorce, such as child custody, properties, bank accounts, etc., that acquired during the marriage.
While the second category has both parties disagreeing over the same issues mentioned earlier due to the damage caused to their emotions, the former category of divorce is referred to as ‘Agreed Divorce.’ In contrast, the latter category regards as ‘Contested Divorce.’
The rules attached to distributing properties and who gets what in Texas are complex, so that a professional Texas Family Law Attorney would be essential.
Texas Child Custody
Child Custody is also one of the most highly contested legal fights. The State of Texas goes with the best interests of the child in determining who to award custody to and the visitation rights of both parents.
These bases on several factors such as the relationship between parent and child, safety, health, the residence of both parents, and their finances, amongst other factors.
Texas Child Custody refers to as Conservatorship in Texas. There are ‘Managing Conservatorship’ and ‘Possessory Conservatorship.’ Managing Conservatorship grants the parent with this power the authority to be in charge of the majority of the child’s affairs, while Possessory Conservatorship grants the parental rights to visit the child alone.
The Texas Family Law contains several sections. However, section 154.001 of Texas Family Law describes how the different percentages of a parent’s income can be applied to determine the degree of the parent’s liability concerning child support.
The amount of money received as income by the parent without custody of the child is usually used as a basis when computing the income. Therefore, the percentage inputted into the guideline is usually applied.
This income determines the total amount of money paid as child support according to the percentage(s) the rule of the Family Law of Texas stipulates.
The percentage(s) that are present in the Family Law of Texas guideline is not fixed. Instead, it changes depending on the income of the non-custodial parent. Therefore, with every increase in the amount the non-custodial parent receives as income, the percentage(s) will also increase.
Child support is, however, not something that goes on for life. Eventually, it stops, so the non-custodial parent need not worry for too long a time concerning the amount paid as child support. Also, the age or range of time around which the payment of child support makes is fixed.
The system provides that the age at which child support should terminate is after completing the child’s eighteen years of age. Thus, the range of time for the termination of child support is after the completion of the child’s high school education. The one that comes later is, however, to follow.
Need to get an affordable Texas Family Law lawyer, check here to get one