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Virginia labor laws

It is imperative to have a law that safeguards the collective rights of employees.

It is impeccably taken care of by The Virginia Labor and Employment Law Division.


Attributes of The Virginia Labor and Employment Law Divisions

  • Investigation of complaints
  • Conducting of settlements
  • Preparing final orders
  • Assessment of civil money penalties against employers
  • Administration of work permit program

Here is a list of some of the Virginia labor laws:-

  • Virginia Payment of wage law ensures regular pay to the employees without any deduction other than taxes.
  • Virginia Minimum wage is effective from July 24, 2009, and following it, the minimum rate is $7.25 per hour.
  • Virginia Child labor laws prohibit the employment of minors under the age of 14. There is also pursued hours of work restriction for minors, which are under the age of 16.
  • Virginia’s Right to work law implies the complete right to work, and denial cannot base on membership or non-membership in a labor union.
  • Prevention of Employment law inculcates laws so that a former employer cannot pursue malice to the employee’s name.
  • Equal pay, irrespective of sex, is pursued to prohibit discrimination in pay based on gender.
  • By the Code of Virginia, it is unlawful for the applicant or employee to pay for their medical examination as needed by the employer.
  • During a polygraph examination, it is against the law for the employer to inquire about the sexual activities of the applicants.
  • There is also a strict rule regarding Human Trafficking in Virginia, which, if denied, results in hefty penalties.


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