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Alimony law in Alabama

HomeAlabama AlimonyAlimony law in Alabama

Alimony law in Alabama will tell you that at the end of divorce proceedings, the two parties have to soldier on without any financial help that is typically gotten from marriage.

Alimony law in Alabama

The law in Alabama offers financial support awards represented by alimony under particular circumstances.


The term alimony refers to the financial help paid to a former spouse by that individual’s ex-spouse after the dissolution of a marriage.

It has just two principal forms: periodic alimony and alimony paid in gross.

Periodic alimony is alimony paid periodically. Usually, a set amount of money pays monthly.

Alimony in gross is a one and made payment of money in the form of a lump sum.


The answer to that question is yes, the law in Alabama makes provisions for a court hearing a divorce proceeding to award financial support from one party to another.

Over the years, alimony awards have been on the decline as both spouses typically have employment in more households.

In times past, it was more ingrained as there was usually a spouse who stayed at home and lacked the instantaneous capacity to insert themselves into the workforce, thereby supporting themselves after a divorce.

However, numerous circumstances could see the awarding of alimony.

Every single divorce is unique, and the particular facts concerning that divorce tend to dictate if alimony is a possibility or not.

Alimony law in Alabama AM I ENTITLED TO ALIMONY?

Current divorce law in Alabama enables a court to award alimony to help a party to a former marriage maintain their living standards once divorce proceedings are concluded.

It could also be for specific rehabilitative purposes.

Typically longer marriages that end in divorce have a higher chance of alimony personal.

Nevertheless, this isn’t always true, as the court tends to consider numerous factors and variables.

These factors aren’t inclusive and sometimes not weighted evenly.

The following are the factors considered: the marriage length, the individual income of each party, reasons for the dissolution of the marriage, each party’s ability to support themselves, the health and age of both spouses, and the living standards achieved during the marriage.

The court also considers if there are factors that are unique to the marriage in question.

An example of this is when a court considers if a spouse is either handicapped or suffering from an incapacitating illness.

It could also be of significance if a spouse had put their education or career on hold to raise the children or to enable the other party to finish their school or climb up the career ladder.

In these situations, a court inclines to award alimony to the ex-spouse who supported the marriage by staying at home.


There isn’t a concrete formula for receiving alimony under the divorce law in Alabama. Therefore, the amount paid in maintenance depends on the receiving party’s needs and the paying party’s ability to pay alimony.

Things such as income level, amounts of assets, monthly living expenses, individual liabilities, and individual debts are considered by the court.

The court’s decision to grant alimony and the amount to be awarded is an incredibly intricate process that considers a plethora of factors.


Generally, periodic alimony is paid until the receiving party either remarries, cohabitates, or becomes able to take care of themselves financially.

The court recognizes that self-supporting is a scenario where the receiving party’s financial estate is more significant than that of the paying party.

Find an affordable Alimony lawyer in Alabama here.

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