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Alabama Divorce Laws

HomeAlabama DivorceAlabama Divorce Laws

Divorce is a legal order by the court that puts an end to a marriage. As per Alabama Divorce laws,

the party must be a bona fide resident of the state. Therefore, the documents supporting its resident proof should file along with the complaint.

Alimony is provided to the spouse on request but after determining the actual need of the spouse.


In this case, even the other spouse’s ability checks before making any decision regarding alimony.

The law focuses on four main issues:

  • Parenting
  • Division of debt and property
  • Child support
  • Spousal support

The legal process includes

  • Determining it is contested or uncontested divorce?
  • Requirements to File Divorce
  • Fault or no-fault Divorces?

For more information, read Alabama divorce legislation

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